BIG SHIFTS SERIES with Michael Campi, VP Marketing at Maev

1. What are CULTURAL shifts that you see emerge over the next 24 months?

FROM: Reacting to outside forces
TO: Finding balance 

“There is an increased focus on health and wellness beyond food and nutrition (…) the shift is about finding balance, and finding ways to live your work / home life in a way that is harmonious” 

“A related shift is the acceleration of digital transformation and adoption (…) there will be an increased adoption rate of AI powered tools in people’s lives, not necessarily outsourcing tasks, but more so empowering people to do things with greater efficiently”

2. What are CATEGORY shifts that you see emerge in PET CARE?

FROM: Dogs as utilities
TO: Dog as actual family member

“There is a clear acceleration of the humanization of pet care, from premium dog beds, to dog safety, design-led goods (…) people feed their dogs like they are humans now; people don’t eat 100% processed food and that is happening with pets too through unprocessed diet (from raw food to freshly prepared foods)”

3. What are CONSUMER shifts that you see emerge in PET CARE?

FROM: One stop shop
TO: Bespoke customized solutions

“There’s a greater expectation for specialized food, nutrition and health care for each pet (…) With humanization there is an inevitable premiumization that is also happening in nutrition and in pet care overall, and even during a recession, pet parents will not cut on pet’s health and nutrition"

FROM: Reactive fix 
TO: Proactive care

“There’s also an evolution of technology (smart feeding system, pet tracking systems) that is creating a healthy, safe and stimulating environment for your pet; it’s about the pet living a better life, and less about the pet owner’s convenience” 

4. How are MARKETING PRACTICES going to evolve to adjust to these shifts?

FROM: General solutions
TO: Simple custom solutions

“Brands need to understand their consumer and their needs more than ever before, so they can clearly demonstrate they get them, especially in a world of specialists”

"There is a lot of customization happening, especially in subscription models. However, the current options are limited to perceived customization. Real customization would involve using data and technology to deliver better recommendations on diets that are best suited for each individual pet's biology."


BIG SHIFTS SERIES with Jill Nisson, former VP Marketing at H20+


BIG SHIFTS SERIES with Brigette WOLF, CMO at mymochi