BIG SHIFTS SERIES with Jill Nisson, former VP Marketing at H20+

1. What are CULTURAL shifts that you see emerge over the next 24 months?

FROM: Neutrality
TO: Advocacy 

“In the past brands didn’t take a political stance. Now consumers want to know what brands stand for, so they can decide if it aligns with their values”

FROM: Diversity
TO: Systematic inclusion 

“The social justice movements are going to continue to influence how brands approach their communications”

2. What are CATEGORY shifts that you see emerge in BEAUTY?

FROM: Trial & error in store
TO: Customized discovery anywhere

“Beauty brands will continue using generative AI to create content, to figure out how to make the path to purchase smoother and easier”

3. What are CONSUMER shifts that you see emerge in BEAUTY?

FROM: Blind faith
TO: Complete transparency

“Consumers used to have blind faith in their brands but there’s no longer much brand loyalty left and consumers are so much savvier about formulas, values, sourcing practices, fair labor practices”

4. How are MARKETING PRACTICES going to evolve to adjust to these shifts?

FROM: One-off proof 
TO: Systematic transparency

“Smart brands need to consider vertical integration or make sure that all functions are really connected to clearly deliver on complete transparency (…) they particularly need to proactively communicate their carbon footprint as consumers continue to seek transparency from brands”

FROM: Marketing as conversion
TO: Marketing as engagement 

“There has been a huge focus on conversion and I hope that there will be a more balanced approach to marketing where brands are thinking about the full funnel (…) the marketing mix needs to get broader in terms of touch points where consumers engage with brands”


BIG SHIFTS SERIES with Deb Holt, CMO at Powered by Real Food from the Ground Up


BIG SHIFTS SERIES with Michael Campi, VP Marketing at Maev